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Final Rendering in x264 with ffmpeg

Whether you are working with Ffmepg, Avidemux or Olive Video Editor, you should be wondering what parameters to use to final render a video montage. Here are my choices for some specific purpose.

Encoding for High Definition Video

There is no standardized meaning for high-definition, generally the minimum standard is 720p, a progressive HD signal where each frame is sized 1280×720 pixels. Many mid-sized TV sets produced in the early 2000s, known as HD Ready, were capable of 1280×720, 1360×768 or 1366×768. The next evolution step, called Full HD or 1080p, have a frame size of 1920×1080 is common in interlaced or progressive mode.

At first we aimed to produce videos for the entry level High Definition Video, so we choosed a target resolution of 1366×768 pixel. After all, we have a 32-inch television capable only of 1366×768 pixels.

Our main source of videos is the Xiaomi Yi action camera, which records full HD videos 1920×1080 pixels at a variable bitrate of 12.0 Mb/s. So we re-encode the final montage with the following settings:

Video codec MPEG-4 AVC (x264)
Video filter swresize, 1366×768, Bilinear
Basic x264 Preset: slow (or less), Tuning: film, Profile: High, IDC Level: Auto
Video encoding Average Bitrate (Two Pass), Average Bitrate 4096 kb/s (about 1.8 Gb per hour)
Pixel format Our source videos use yuvj420p pixel format.
Bits per sample Our source videos use 8 bits per raw sample, so we stay on this.
Color range
Audio codec Lame MP3 Vorbis
Audio bitrate CBR 192 (or higher)

We can use Avidemux to make the final rendering (re-encoding). For a command line only solution you can consider ffmpeg to perfomr the re-encoding and to make the merge (mux) all into a Matroska container.

TITLE="Balcani, maggio 2022"
ffmpeg \
    -i "video-high-quality.mkv" \
    -i 'audio-music.ogg' -i 'audio-live.ogg' \
    -map '0:v:0' -map '1:a:0' -map '2:a:0' \
    -metadata title="$TITLE" -metadata:s:v:0 title="$TITLE" \
    -metadata:s:a:0 title="Accompagnamento musicale" \
    -metadata:s:a:1 title="Audio in presa diretta" \
    -filter:v "scale=1366x768" -aspect "16:9" \
    -vcodec 'libx264' -pix_fmt 'yuvj420p' -preset 'veryslow' -tune 'film' -profile:v 'high' -level:v 5 \
    -acodec copy \

How to probe a video

How to get the piexel format:

ffprobe -loglevel error \
    -show_entries stream=pix_fmt \
    -select_streams v YDXJ4050.mp4

How to get the bits per raw sample:

ffprobe -loglevel panic \
    -show_entries stream=bits_per_raw_sample \
    -select_streams v YDXJ4050.mp4 

Web Resources

doc/appunti/linux/video/ffmpeg_final_rendering.1699872579.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/13 11:49 by niccolo