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Scansione antivirus con procmail, sanitizer e clamav

Se si utilizza procmail come local delivery agent, è sufficiente aggiungere questa regola in $HOME/.procmailrc per abilitare il filtro antivirus con il programma sanitizer:

# Filter the mail with ClamAV
:0 fw
| /usr/bin/sanitizer /etc/sanitizer.cfg

Il programma sanitizer si configura tramite /etc/sanitizer.cfg:

# Create saved files using this template. The directory must exist and
# be writable by the user running the sanitizer.
file_name_tpl = /home/quarantine/$Y$m$d-$T-$F.$$

# Message used to replace attachments saved and removed.
msg_file_save  = *****ANTIVIRUS*****\n
msg_file_save += ATTENZIONE:\n
msg_file_save += Questa mail conteneva in allegato il file "%FILENAME"\n
msg_file_save += che e' risultato infetto da virus o potenzialmente dannoso.\n
msg_file_save += Il file e' stato rimosso al fine di evitarne la diffusione involontaria.\n
msg_file_save += %SAVEDNAME\n
msg_file_save += *******************\n

# Virus scanner command line. The three exit codes represent the
# following scan conditions: clean, disinfected, infected.
file_list_1_scanner = 0:1:1:/usr/bin/clamdscan --fdpass --quiet %FILENAME

# What policy to apply for each exit code, plus a catch-all default.
#   unknown  Indeterminate result, check the next policy.
#   save     Remove the attachment from the message, replace it with a
#            text message and save the attachment into a local file.
file_list_1_policy  = unknown:save:save:save

# String used to mangle file names.
msg_defanged = ANTIVIRUS

Cosa succede se clamd è fermo

doc/appunti/linux/sa/procmail_sanitizer_clamav.1592305636.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/16 13:07 by niccolo