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doc:appunti:linux:sa:postfix_spamassassin_clamav_dovecot [2021/02/25 13:06] – [Dovecot Quota service for Postfix] niccolodoc:appunti:linux:sa:postfix_spamassassin_clamav_dovecot [2023/02/24 16:18] – [Sanitizer/ClamAV Filter] niccolo
Line 64: Line 64:
 <file> <file>
-!include auth-system.conf.ext+# Order matters: we use passwdfile first because it is most likely used 
 +# and because system autentication (PAM) does a 2-seconds delay on fail.
 !include auth-passwdfile.conf.ext !include auth-passwdfile.conf.ext
 +!include auth-system.conf.ext
 </file> </file>
Line 207: Line 209:
   * **clamdscan**   * **clamdscan**
   * **clamav-freshclam**   * **clamav-freshclam**
 +  * **libclamunrar9** (non-free package to scan inside RAR archives)
 Periodic download (update) of viruses database is performed by the **clamav-freshclam.service**, you can check the **/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log**. Periodic download (update) of viruses database is performed by the **clamav-freshclam.service**, you can check the **/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log**.
Line 249: Line 252:
 mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f "$SENDER" -a "$RECIPIENT" mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f "$SENDER" -a "$RECIPIENT"
 </file> </file>
 +==== Error stats-writer Broken pipe ====
 +**WARNING**: At least in **Debian 11 Bullseye** it seems that the **dovecot-lda** sometimes (not always!) tries to write to the **Dovecot Stats Service** using the **/run/dovecot/stats-writer** socket. Unfortunately the socket is owned by **root:dovecot** and has mode **0660** (default Debian settings), whereas the LDA is invoked by Postfix with just the user's privileges. So you will find error messages like this into the mail.log:
 +postfix/local[76866]: 7E67B7D3F4: to=<user@domain.tld>, ...,
 +    status=bounced (Command died with status 134:
 +    "/usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f "$SENDER" -a "$RECIPIENT"".
 +    Command output: lda(lica-marilena):
 +    Error: net_connect_unix(/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed:
 +    Permission denied Aborted Unable to flush stdout: Broken pipe )
 +It seems that the quickest and simplest solution is to make the socket **0666 mode** (which will risk the stats service to be abused). Add the following snippet to **/etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf**:
 +service stats {
 +  unix_listener stats-writer {
 +    mode = 0666
 +  }
 +See the following posts about the problem:
 +  * [[|stats-writer permission issue when using LDA via procmail - Debian bug #961033]]
 +  * [[|postfix, dovecot-lda, /run/dovecot/stats-writer socket permision and local user delivery, again]]
 +==== Error Command output: Aborted ====
 +Another subtle error with Dovecot LDA can be reported generically into the Postfix log as:
 +postfix/local[1615363]: E85037D1C6: to=<user@domain.tld>, ...
 +    status=bounced (Command died with status 134:
 +    "/usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f "$SENDER" -a "$RECIPIENT"".
 +    Command output: Aborted )
 +To get some hints about the problem you can enable logging in Dovecot LDA; you can add the following in **/etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf**:
 +protocol lda {
 +  ...
 +  log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lda-errors.log
 +  info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lda.log
 +and create the log files with suitable permissions (in my case the LDA is executed with user's privileges, so I made it world-writable).
 +lda(username)<1619235><QdsSDJpj72MjtRgACo+hHQ>: Error: program
 +    exec:/usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter/ (1619240):
 +    Execution timed out (> 10000 msecs)
 +lda(username)<1619235><QdsSDJpj72MjtRgACo+hHQ>: Error: program
 +    exec:/usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter/ (1619240):
 +    Forcibly terminated with signal 15
 +lda(username)<1619235><QdsSDJpj72MjtRgACo+hHQ>: Panic:
 +    output stream (temp iostream in /tmp/dovecot.lda.
 +    for (program client seekable output)) is missing error handling
 +lda(username)<1619235><QdsSDJpj72MjtRgACo+hHQ>: Error:
 +    Raw backtrace: /usr/lib/dovecot/
 +There was a problem with **the filter program responding too slowly**. It is possible to change the **exec timeout**, in this case for the **filter** extension, just add the following in **/etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve-extprograms.conf**:
 +plugin {
 +  ...
 +  # Change the default timeout (10 seconds) for the filter extension.
 +  sieve_filter_exec_timeout = 20s
 +==== Error Unable to flush stdout ====
 +FIXME This error message has an unwknown origin.
 +postfix/local[1485291]: 5BDBD7D1C6: to=<user@domain.tld>, ...
 +    status=bounced (Command died with status 134:
 +    "/usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f "$SENDER" -a "$RECIPIENT"".
 +    Command output: Aborted Unable to flush stdout: Broken pipe )
 ===== Sieve filtering ===== ===== Sieve filtering =====
Line 358: Line 447:
     terminated with non-zero exit code 127     terminated with non-zero exit code 127
 </code> </code>
 +FIXME How to handle errors in filter external commands? The default action is to send a **non-delivery notification**, but you may want to fall-back to deliver the message anyway (e.g. if your antispam filter goes broken).
 ==== Multiple Sieve Scripts ==== ==== Multiple Sieve Scripts ====
Line 401: Line 492:
 The files (with the .sieve extension) will be searched into the proper directory. The files (with the .sieve extension) will be searched into the proper directory.
 +==== Using Sieve to decode winmail.dat attachments ====
 +Microsoft Outlook uses the infamous **winmail.dat** attachment to forward emails: it is the proprietary **TNEF** format. In this article you can find a recipe to filter that attachments using a Sieve filter: **[[sieve_filtering_tnef]]**.
 ===== Roundcube with MySQL ===== ===== Roundcube with MySQL =====
Line 690: Line 786:
 See **[[|Dovecot Quota]]**. See **[[|Dovecot Quota]]**.
-If Dovecot is started via **Systemd**, you must disable the **PrivateDevices** directive (which is enabled e.g. in Debian 10 Buster). To override the defaults, just run:+If Dovecot is started via **Systemd**, you must disable the **PrivateDevices** directive (which is enabled e.g. in Debian 10 Buster), otherwise the service does not have access to the **/dev/** directory and cannot check filesystem quota. To override the defaults, just run:
 <code> <code>
Line 769: Line 865:
 </code> </code>
 +**NOTICE**: The Dovecot's quota limit is the **soft limit** imposed by the filesystem.
-==== Dovecot Quota service for Postfix ====+==== Dovecot quota status service for Postfix ====
 We enable a service that will be checked by Postfix when accepting mail via SMTP. Into **/etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf** add the following: We enable a service that will be checked by Postfix when accepting mail via SMTP. Into **/etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf** add the following:
Line 794: Line 891:
 } }
 </file> </file>
 +The Postfix quota-status service may uses also a **quota_over_flag** provided by the **userdb** backend. We don't have such a field into the userdb, neverthless we have to configure the parameters **quota_over_flag_value** and **quota_over_script**, otherwise the quota check is skipped entirely (don't be fooled if the ''doveadm'' tool is working, verify also that the Postfix check is actually working!):
 +# === WARNING ===
 +# Both "quota_over_flag_value" and "quota_over_script" are 
 +# required, otherwise the Postfix quota-status check will always 
 +# return DUNNO (i.e. user is under quota). This is because 
 +# without those two parameters the quota check is skipped 
 +# completely, as seen in the mail_debug = yes log:
 +# Debug: quota: quota_over_flag check: quota_over_script unset - skipping
 +# Actually we don't have a "quota_over_flag" field in userdb; 
 +# when quota-status service is called by Postfix, the value 
 +# quota_over_flag=0(*dummy*) is assumed due the config values 
 +# below. Current quota status for the user is then checked by 
 +# querying the filesystem and it will be 1 for overquota, 0 
 +# otherwise.
 +# As a side effect, the quota-warning script is executed at 
 +# every check if the user is overquota because 0 mismatches 1.
 +plugin {
 +  quota_over_flag_value = FALSE
 +  quota_over_flag = "*dummy*"
 +  quota_over_script = quota-warning mismatch %u
 +We have to define also a **quota-warning service**, which basically is a script called when the user crosses some quota barriers, we can use it to send warning messages. The script needs to be run as root, because we want it to be able to switch to the final user (this is required by our system which uses Maildir and user's filters). The **/var/run/dovecot/quota-warning** socket must be world-writable so the user can write to it.
 +service quota-warning {
 +  executable = script /usr/local/bin/
 +  user = root
 +  unix_listener quota-warning {
 +    user = dovecot
 +    group = dovecot
 +    mode = 0666
 +  }
 +To have the script executed when crossing some quota limits, add the following:
 +plugin {
 +  quota_warning = storage=90%% quota-warning 90 %u
 +  quota_warning2 = storage=75%% quota-warning 75 %u
 +So, all after all, here it is the script executed when an user is crossing some quota levels and when the fake **quota_over_flag** does not match the actual quota status (i.e. it is called when the user is over quota, and we just do nothing in that case!):
 +<code bash>
 +DATE="$(date -R)"
 +# ==== WARGNING ====
 +#  * The user is set by Dovecot "service quota-warning", in our
 +#    configuration is: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
 +#  * Working directory is /run/dovecot/
 +#  * /tmp directory is /tmp/systemd-private-<...>-dovecot.service-<...>/tmp
 +# Do nothing if called on Dovecot quota_over_flag_value mismatch.
 +test "$ARG1" = "mismatch" && exit 0
 +# Send the warning message.
 +#cat << EOF | /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -d $USER -o "plugin/quota=fs:User quota:noenforcing"
 +cat << EOF | /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -d $USER
 +Subject: Attenzione: mailbox quasi piena
 +Date: $DATE
 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 +La tua mailbox è quasi piena; lo spazio occupato ha superato il ${ARG1}%.
 +Eliminare i messaggi non più necessari ed eventualmente svuotare il cestino.
 +==== Troubleshoting Postfix quota-status service ====
 After reloading **dovecot.service**, you will have a daemon listening on port **12340/TCP**. To check if the service is working, you can telnet to the TCP port and paste some strings of text, the relevant lines are **recipient** and **size** in bytes (see more on smtpd-policy language in this [[|example]]): After reloading **dovecot.service**, you will have a daemon listening on port **12340/TCP**. To check if the service is working, you can telnet to the TCP port and paste some strings of text, the relevant lines are **recipient** and **size** in bytes (see more on smtpd-policy language in this [[|example]]):
Line 805: Line 987:
 action=554 5.2.2 Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full) action=554 5.2.2 Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)
 </file> </file>
 +The **554 Quota exceeded error** should be returned when the **actual user's quota** plus the announced **size** will exceed the filesystem **soft quota** plus the **quota_grace** percentage.
 +Another way to check the service using a single command line is using **netcat**:
 +printf "\nsize=3000000\n\n" | nc localhost 12340
 In Postfix configuration **/etc/postfix/** add a restriction on smtpd (the order of restrictions matter): In Postfix configuration **/etc/postfix/** add a restriction on smtpd (the order of restrictions matter):
doc/appunti/linux/sa/postfix_spamassassin_clamav_dovecot.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/30 11:09 by niccolo