Indice RFC, Parte 1

                             RFC INDEX

This file contains citations for all RFCs in reverse numeric order.  RFC
citations appear in this format:

####  Author 1.; Author 2.; Author 3.  Title of RFC.  Issue date;
      ## p.  (Format: PS=xxx TXT=zzz bytes)  (Also FYI ##)
      (Obsoletes xxx; Obsoleted by xxx; Updates xxx; Updated by xxx)

Key to citations:

    #### is the RFC number; ## p. is the total number of pages.

    The format and byte information follows the page information in
    parenthesis.  The format, either ASCII text (TXT) or PostScript
    (PS) or both, is noted, followed by an equals sign and the number
    of bytes for that version.  (PostScript is a registered trademark
    of Adobe Systems Incorporated.)  The example (Format: PS=xxx
    TXT=zzz bytes) shows that the PostScript version of the RFC
    is xxx bytes and the ASCII text version is zzz bytes.

    The (Also FYI ##) phrase gives the equivalent FYI number if
    the RFC was also issued as an FYI document.

    "Obsoletes xxx" refers to other RFCs that this one replaces;
    "Obsoleted by xxx" refers to RFCs that have replaced this one.
    "Updates xxx" refers to other RFCs that this one merely updates
    (but does not replace); "Updated by xxx" refers to RFCs that have
    been updated by this one (but not replaced).  Only immediately
    succeeding and/or preceding RFCs are indicated, not the entire
    history of each related earlier or later RFC in a related series.

For example:

1129    Mills, D.L.; Internet time synchronization: The Network Time
        Protocol.   1989 October; 29 p.  (Format: PS=551697 bytes)

Many RFCs are available online; if not, this is indicated by (Not online).
Online copies are available via FTP or Kermit from NIC.DDN.MIL as
rfc/rfc####.txt or rfc/rfc####.PS (#### is the RFC number without leading

Additionally, RFCs may be requested through electronic mail from the
automated NIC mail server by sending a message to SERVICE@NIC.DDN.MIL
with a subject line of "rfc ####" for text versions or a subject line
of "rfc ####.PS" for PostScript versions.  To obtain the RFC index,
the subject line of your message should read "rfc index".

                                RFC INDEX

1543  Postel, J.  Instructions to RFC Authors.  1993 October; 16 p. (Format:
      TXT=31384 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1111)

1542  Wimer, W.  Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol.
      1993 October; 23 p. (Format: TXT=52949 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1532;
      Updates RFC 951)

1541  Droms, R.  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.  1993 October; 39 p.
      (Format: TXT=96951 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1531)

1540  Postel, J.,ed.  INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS.  1993 October;
      34 p. (Format: TXT=75497 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1500)

1539  Malkin, G.  The Tao of IETF A Guide for New Attendees of the Internet
      Engineering Task Force.  1993 October; 22 p. (Format: TXT=48200 bytes)
      (Also FYI 17)   (Obsoletes RFC 1391)

1538  Behl, W.; Sterling, B.; Teskey, W.  Advanced SNA/IP : A Simple SNA
      Transport Protocol.  1993 October; 10 p. (Format: TXT=21218 bytes)

1537  Beertema, P.  Common DNS Data File Configuration Errors.  1993 October;
      9 p. (Format: TXT=19826 bytes)

1536  Kumar, A.; Postel, J.; Neuman, C.; Danzig, P.; Miller, S.  Common DNS
      Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes.  1993 October; 12 p. (Format:
      TXT=25477 bytes)

1535  Gavron, E.  A Security Problem and Proposed Correction With Widely
      Deployed DNS Software.  1993 October; 5 p. (Format: TXT=9723 bytes)

1534  Droms, R.  Interoperation Between DHCP and BOOTP.  1993 October; 4 p.
      (Format: TXT=6967 bytes)

1533  Alexander, S.; Droms, R.  DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions.
      1993 October; 30 p. (Format: TXT=50920 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1497)

1532  Wimer, W.  Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol.
      1993 October; 22 p. (Format: TXT=51546 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1542;
      Updates RFC 951)

1531  Droms, R.  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.  1993 October; 39 p.
      (Format: TXT=96193 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1541)

1530  Malamud, C.; Rose, M.  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT
      Subdomain: General Principles and Policy.  1993 October; 7 p. (Format:
      TXT=15032 bytes)

1529  Malamud, C.; Rose, M.  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT
      Subdomain: Remote Printing -- Administrative Policies.  1993 October;
      5 p. (Format: TXT=11143 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1486)

1528  Malamud, C.; Rose, M.  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT
      Subdomain: Remote Printing -- Technical Procedures.  1993 October; 12 p.
      (Format: TXT=18577 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1486)

1527  Cook, G.  What Should We Plan Given the Dilemma of the Network?.  1993
      September; 17 p. (Format: TXT=46936 bytes)

1526  Piscitello, D.  Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts.
      1993 September; 8 p. (Format: TXT=16849 bytes)

1525  Decker, E.; McCloghrie, K.; Langille, P.; Rijsinghani, A.  Definitions
      of Managed Objects for Source Routing Bridges.  1993 September; 18 p.
      (Format: TXT=38101 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1286)

1524  Borenstein, N.  A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia
      Mail Format Information  1993 September; 12 p. (Format: TXT=26465 bytes)

1523  Borenstein, N.  The text/enriched MIME Content-type.  1993 September;
      15 p. (Format: TXT=32692 bytes)

1522  Moore, K.  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two:
      Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text.  1993 September; 10 p.
      (Format: TXT=22503 bytes)  (Obsoletes 1342)

1521  Borenstein, N.; Freed, N.  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
      Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of
      Internet Message Bodies.  1993 September; 81 p. (Format: TXT=187425
      bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1341)

1520  Rekhter, Y.; Topolcic, C.  Exchanging Routing Information Across
      Provider Boundaries in the CIDR Environment.  1993 September; 9 p.
      (Format: TXT=20390 bytes)

1519  Fuller, V.; Li, T.; Yu, J.; Varadhan, K.  Classless Inter-Domain
      Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy.  1993
      September; 24 p. (Format: TXT=59999 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1338)

1518  Rekhter, Y.; Li, T.,eds.  An Architecture for IP Address Allocation
      with CIDR.  1993 September; 27 p. (Format: TXT=72610 bytes)

1517  Hinden, R.,ed.  Applicability Statement for the Implementation of
      Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).  1993 September; 4 p. (Format:
      TXT=7358 bytes)

1516  McMaster, D.; McCloghrie, K.  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE
      802.3 Repeater Devices.  1993 September; 40 p. (Format: TXT=82918 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1368)

1515  McMaster, D.; McCloghrie, K.; Roberts, S.  Definitions of Managed
      Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs).  1993 September;
      25 p. (Format: TXT=52828 bytes)

1514  Grillo, P.; Waldbusser, S.  Host Resources MIB.  1993 September; 33 p.
      (Format: TXT=63776 bytes)

1513  Waldbusser, S.  Token Ring Extensions to the Remote Network Monitoring
      MIB.  1993 September; 55 p. (Format: TXT=121975 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC

1512  Case, J.; Rijsinghani, A.  FDDI Management Information Base.  1993
      September; 51 p. (Format: TXT=108589 bytes)  (Updates RFC 1285)

1511  Linn, J.  Common Authentication Technology Overview.  1993 September;
      2 p. (Format: TXT=4186 bytes)

1510  Kohl, J.; Neuman, C.  The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5).
      1993 September; 112 p. (Format: TXT=275396 bytes)

1509  Wray, J.  Generic Security Service API : C-bindings.  1993 September;
      48 p. (Format: TXT=99605 bytes)

1508  Linn, J.  Generic Security Service Application Program Interface.  1993
      September; 49 p. (Format: TXT=111229 bytes)

1507  Kaufman, C.  DASS Distributed Authentication Security Service.  1993
      September; 119 p. (Format: TXT=287810 bytes)

1506  Houttuin, J.  A Tutorial on Gatewaying between X.400 and Internet Mail.
      1993 August; 39 p. (Format: TXT=85551 bytes)

1505  Costanzo, A.; Robinson, D.; Ullmann, R.  Encoding Header Field for
      Internet Messages.  1993 August; 36 p. (Format: TXT=63797 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1154)

1504  Oppenheimer, A.  Appletalk Update-Based Routing Protocol: Enhanced
      Appletalk Routing.  1993 August; 82 p. (Format: TXT=201554 bytes)

1503  McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.  Algorithms for Automating Administration in
      SNMPv2 Managers.  1993 August; 14 p. (Format: TXT=33543 bytes)

1502  Alvestrand, H.  X.400 Use of Extended Character Sets.  1993 August;
      14 p. (Format: TXT=27977 bytes)

1501  Brunsen, E.  OS/2 User Group.  1993 August; 2 p. (Format: TXT=3637

1500  Postel, J.,ed.  INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS.  1993 August;
      36 p. (Format: TXT=79560 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1410; Obsoleted by RFC

1499  Not yet issued.

1498  Saltzer, J.  On the Naming and Binding of Network Destinations.  1993
      August; 10 p. (Format: TXT=24699 bytes)

1497  Reynolds, J.  BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions.  1993 August; 8 p.
      (Format: TXT=16806 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1395; Obsoleted by RFC 1533;
      Updates RFC 951)

1496  Alvestrand, H.; Romaguera, J.; Jordan, K.  Rules for Downgrading
      Messages from X.400/88 to X.400/84 When MIME Content-Types are Present
      in the Messages.  1993 August; 5 p. (Format: TXT=8412 bytes)  (Updates
      RFC 1328)

1495  Alvestrand, H.; Kille, S.; Miles, R.; Rose, M.; Thompson, S.  Mapping
      between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies.  1993 August; 11 p. (Format:
      TXT=20072 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1327)

1494  Alvestrand, H.; Thompson, S.  Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and
      RFC-822 Message Bodies.  1993 August; 19 p. (Format: TXT=37276 bytes)

1493  Decker, E.; Langille, P.; Rijsinghani, A.; McCloghrie, K.  Definitions
      of Managed Objects for Bridges.  1993 July; 34 p. (Format: TXT=74494
      bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1286)

1492  Finseth, C.  An Access Control Protocol, Sometimes Called TACACS.  1993
      July; 21 p. (Format: TXT=41881 bytes)

1491  Weider, C.; Wright, R.  A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500.  1993
      July; 18 p. (Format: TXT=34884 bytes) (Also FYI 21)

1490  Bradley, T.; Brown, C.; Malis, A.  Multiprotocol Interconnect over
      Frame Relay.  1993 July; 35 p. (Format: TXT=75207 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC

1489  Chernov, A.  Registration of a Cyrillic Character Set.  1993 July; 5 p.
      (Format: TXT=7799 bytes)

1488  Howes, T.; Hardcastle-Kille, S.; Yeong, W.; Robbins, C.  The X.500
      String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes.  1993 July; 11 p.
      (Format: TXT=17183 bytes)

1487  Yeong, W.; Howes, T.; Hardcastle-Kille, S.  X.500 Lightweight Directory
      Access Protocol.  1993 July; 21 p. (Format: TXT=44948 bytes)

1486  Rose, M.; Malamud, C.  An Experiment in Remote Printing.  1993 July;
      14 p. (Format: TXT=26374 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1528, RFC 1529)

1485  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  A String Representation of Distinguished Names
      (OSI-DS 23 (v5)).  1993 July; 7 p. (Format: TXT=11159 bytes)

1484  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  Using the OSI Directory to achieve User Friendly
      Naming (OSI-DS 24 (v1.2)).  1993 July; 25 p. (Format: TXT=48974 bytes)

1483  Heinanen, J.  Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5.
      1993 July; 16 p. (Format: TXT=35193 bytes)

1482  Knopper, M.; Richardson, S.  Aggregation Support in the NSFNET
      Policy-Based Routing Database.  1993 June; 11 p. (Format: TXT=25331

1481  Huitema, C.  IAB Recommendation for an Intermediate Strategy to Address
      the Issue of Scaling.  1993 July; 2 p. (Format: TXT=3503 bytes)

1480  Cooper, A.; Postel, J.  The US Domain.  1993 June; 47 p. (Format:
      TXT=100557 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1386)

1479  Steenstrup, M.  Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Specification:
      Version 1.  1993 July; 108 p. (Format: TXT=275824 bytes)

1478  Steenstrup, M.  An Architecture for Inter-Domain Policy Routing.  1993
      June; 35 p. (Format: TXT=90674 bytes)

1477  Steenstrup, M.  IDPR as a Proposed Standard.  1993 July; 13 p. (Format:
      TXT=32239 bytes)

1476  Ullmann, R.  RAP: Internet Route Access Protocol.  1993 June; 20 p.
      (Format: TXT=45561 bytes)

1475  Ullmann, R.  TP/IX: The Next Internet.  1993 June; 35 p. (Format:
      TXT=77855 bytes)

1474  Kastenholz, F.  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Bridge
      Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol.  1993 June;
      15 p. (Format: TXT=31847 bytes)

1473  Kastenholz, F.  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the IP Network
      Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol.  1993 June; 9 p.
      (Format: TXT=20485 bytes)

1472  Kastenholz, F.  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Security
      Protocols of the Point-to-Point Protocol.  1993 June; 12 p. (Format:
      TXT=27153 bytes)

1471  Kastenholz, F.  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Link Control
      Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol.  1993 June; 25 p. (Format:
      TXT=53559 bytes)

1470  Enger, R.; Reynolds, J.,eds.  FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog:
      Tools for Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and Interconnected
      Devices.  1993 June; 192 p. (Format: TXT=308529 bytes) (Also FYI 2)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1147)

1469  Pusateri, T.  IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks.  1993
      June; 4 p. (Format: TXT=8190 bytes)

1468  Murai, J.; Crispin, M.; van der Poel, E.  Japanese Character Encoding
      for Internet Messages.  1993 June; 6 p. (Format: TXT=10971 bytes)

1467  Topolcic, C.  Status of CIDR Deployment in the Internet.  1993 August;
      9 p. (Format: TXT=20721 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1367)

1466  Gerich, E.  Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space.  1993 May;
      10 p. (Format: TXT=22263 bytes)  (Obsoletes 1366)

1465  Eppenberger, D.  Routing Coordination for X.400 MHS Service Within a
      Multi Protocol / Multi Network Environment Table Format V3 for Static
      Routing.  1993 May; 31 p. (Format: TXT=66834 bytes)

1464  Rosenbaum, R.  Using the Domain Name System To Store Arbitrary String
      Attributes.  1993 May; 4 p. (Format: TXT=7954 bytes)

1463  Hoffman, E.; Jackson, L.  FYI on Introducing the Internet-- A Short
      Bibliography of Introductory Internetworking Readings or the Network
      Novice.  1993 May; 4 p. (Format: TXT=7117 bytes) (Also FYI 19)

1462  Krol, E.; Hoffman, E.  FYI on "What is the Internet?".  1993 May; 11 p.
      (Format: TXT=27812 bytes) (Also FYI 20)

1461  Throop, D.  SNMP MIB extension for Multiprotocol Interconnect over
      X.25.  1993 May; 21 p. (Format: TXT=47946 bytes)

1460  Rose, M.  Post Office Protocol - Version 3.  1993 June; 17 p. (Format:
      TXT=38828 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1225)

1459  Oikarinen, J.; Reed, D.  Internet Relay Chat Protocol.  1993 May; 65 p.
      (Format: TXT=138965 bytes)

1458  Braudes, R.; Zabele, S.  Requirements for Multicast Protocols (Not
      online)  1993 May; 19 p. (Format: TXT=48107 bytes)

1457  Housley, R.  Security Label Framework for the Internet.  1993 May;
      14 p. (Format: TXT=35803 bytes)

1456 Vietnamese Standardization Working Group.  Conventions for Encoding the
      Vietnamese Language VISCII: VIetnamese Standard Code for Information
      Interchange VIQR: VIetnamese Quoted-Readable Specification Revision 1.1.
      1993 May; 7 p. (Format: TXT=14733 bytes)

1455  Eastlake, D., III  Physical Link Security Type of Service.  1993 May;
      6 p. (Format: TXT=12392 bytes)

1454  Dixon, T.  Comparison of Proposals for Next Version of IP.  1993 May;
      15 p. (Format: TXT=35065 bytes)

1453  Chimiak, W.  A Comment on Packet Video Remote Conferencing and the
      Transport/Network Layers.  1993 April; 10 p. (Format: TXT=23564 bytes)

1452  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Coexistence between
      version 1 and version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management
      Framework.  1993; 17 p. (Format: TXT=32176 bytes)

1451  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Manager-to-Manager
      Management Information Base.  1993 April; 36 p. (Format: TXT=62935

1450  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Management
      Information Base for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
      (SNMPv2).  1993 April; 27 p. (Format: TXT=42172 bytes)

1449  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Transport Mappings
      for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993
      April; 24 p. (Format: TXT=41161 bytes)

1448  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Protocol Operations
      for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993
      April; 35 p. (Format: TXT=74224 bytes)

1447  Galvin, J.; McCloghrie, K.  Party MIB for version 2 of the Simple
      Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993 April; 50 p. (Format:
      TXT=80762 bytes)

1446  Galvin, J.; McCloghrie, K.  Security Protocols for version 2 of the
      Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993 April; 51 p. (Format:
      TXT=108733 bytes)

1445  Galvin, J.; McCloghrie, K.  Administrative Model for version 2 of the
      Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993 April; 47 p. (Format:
      TXT=99443 bytes)

1444  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Conformance
      Statements for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
      (SNMPv2).  1993 April; 32 p. (Format: TXT=57744 bytes)

1443  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Textual Conventions
      for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993
      April; 31 p. (Format: TXT=60947 bytes)

1442  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Structure of
      Management Information for version 2 of the Simple Network Management
      Protocol (SNMPv2).  1993 April; 54 p. (Format: TXT=95779 bytes)

1441  Case, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.; Waldbusser, S.  Introduction to
      version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework.  1993
      April; 13 p. (Format: TXT=25386 bytes)

1440  Troth, R.  SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer.  1993
      July; 9 p. (Format: TXT=17367 bytes)

1439  Finseth, C.  The Uniqueness of Unique Identifiers.  1993 March; 11 p.
      (Format: TXT=20478 bytes)

1438  Chapin, L.; Huitema, C.  Internet Engineering Task Force Statements Of
      Boredom (SOBs).  1993 April 1; 2 p. (Format: TXT=3045 bytes)

1437  Borenstein, N.; Linimon, M.  The Extension of MIME Content-Types to a
      New Medium.  1993 April 1; 6 p. (Format: TXT=13357 bytes)

1436  Anklesaria, F.; McCahill, M.; Lindner, P.; Johnson, D.; Torrey, D.;
      Alberti, B.  The Internet Gopher Protocol ((a distributed document
      search and retrieval protocol).  1993 March; 16 p. (Format: TXT=36494

1435  Knowles, S.  IESG Advice from Experience with Path MTU Discovery.  1993
      March; 2 p. (Format: TXT=2709 bytes)

1434  Dixon, R.; Kushi, D.  Data Link Switching: Switch-to-Switch Protocol.
      1993 March; 33 p. (Format: TXT=80183 PS=292006 bytes)

1433  Garrett, J.; Wong, J.; Hagan, J.  Directed ARP.  1993 March; 18 p.
      (Format: TXT=41029 bytes)

1432  Quarterman, J.  Recent Internet Books.  1993 March; 15 p. (Format:
      TXT=27090 bytes)

1431  Barker, P.  DUA Metrics.  1993 February; 19 p. (Format: TXT=42241

1430  Hardcastle-Kille, S.; Huizer, E.; Cerf, V.; Hobby, R.; Kent, S.  A
      Strategic Plan for Deploying an Internet X.500 Directory Service.  1993
      February; 20 p. (Format: TXT=47588 bytes)

1429  Thomas, E.  Listserv Distribute Protocol.  1993 February; 8 p. (Format:
      TXT=17760 bytes)

1428  Vaudreuil, G.  Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to
      8bit-SMTP/MIME.  1993 February; 6 p. (Format: TXT=12065 bytes)

1427  Moore, K.  SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration.  1993
      February; 8 p. (Format: TXT=17857 bytes)

1426  Rose, M.; Stefferud, E.; Crocker, D.  SMTP Service Extension for
      8bit-MIMEtransport.  1993 February; 6 p. (Format: TXT=11662 bytes)

1425  Rose, M.; Stefferud, E.; Crocker, D.  SMTP Service Extensions.  1993
      February; 10 p. (Format: TXT=20933 bytes)

1424  Kaliski, B.  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV:
      Key Certification and Related Services.  1993 February; 9 p. (Format:
      TXT=17538 bytes)

1423  Balenson, D.  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part
      III: Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers.  1993 February; 14 p. (Format:
      TXT=33278 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1115)

1422  Kent, S.  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II:
      Certificate-Based Key Management.  1993 February; 32 p. (Format:
      TXT=86086 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1114)

1421  Linn, J.  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I:
      Message Encryption and Authentication Procedures.  1993 February; 42 p.
      (Format: TXT=103895 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1113)

1420  Bostock, S.  SNMP over IPX.  1993 March; 4 p. (Format: TXT=6763 bytes)
      (Obsoletes 1298)

1419  Minshall, G.; Ritter, M.  SNMP over AppleTalk.  1993 March; 7 p.
      (Format: TXT=16471 bytes)

1418  Rose, M.  SNMP over OSI.  1993 March; 4 p. (Format: TXT=7722 bytes)
      (Obsoletes 1161, 1283)

1417 The North American Directory Forum.  NADF Standing Documents: A Brief
      Overview.  1993 February; 4 p. (Format: TXT=7271 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC
      1295, RFC 1255, RFC 1218)

1416  Borman, D.,ed.  Telnet Authentication Option.  1993 February; 7 p.
      (Format: TXT=13271 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1409)

1415  Mindel, J.; Slaski, R.  FTP-FTAM Gateway Specification.  1993 January;
      58 p. (Format: TXT=128262 bytes)

1414  St. Johns, M.; Rose, M.  Identification MIB.  1993 February; 7 p.
      (Format: TXT=14166 bytes)

1413  St. Johns, M.  Identification Protocol.  1993 February;  8 p. (Format:
      TXT=16292 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 931)

1412  Alagappan, K.  Telnet Authentication: SPX.  1993 January;  4 p.
      (Format: TXT=6953 bytes)

1411  Borman, D.,ed.  Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 4.  1993
      January;  4 p. (Format: TXT=7968 bytes)

1410  Postel, J.,ed.  IAB OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS.  1993 March; 35 p.
      (Format: TXT=76525 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1360, RFC 1280, RFC 1250, RFC
      1200 RFC 1100, RFC 1083, RFC 1130, RFC 1140; Obsoleted by RFC 1500)

1409  Borman, D.,ed.  Telnet Authentication Option.  1993 January; 7 p.
      (Format: TXT=13119 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1416)

1408  Borman, D.,ed.  Telnet Environment Option.  1993 January;  7 p.
      (Format: TXT=13937 bytes)

1407  Cox, T.; Tesink, K.,eds.  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS3/E3
      Interface Type.  1993 January; 43 p. (Format: TXT=90683 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1233)

1406  Baker, F. Watt, J.,eds.  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 and
      E1 Interface Types.  1993 January; 50 p. (Format: TXT=97560 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1232)

1405  Allocchio, C.  Mapping between X.400(1984/1988) and Mail-11 (DECnet
      mail).  1993 January; 19 p. (Format: TXT=33886 bytes)

1404  Stockman, B.  Model for Common Operational Statistics.  1993 January;
      27 p. (Format: TXT=52815 bytes)

1403  Varadhan, K.  BGP OSPF Interaction.  1993 January; 17 p. (Format:
      TXT=36174 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1364)

1402  Martin, J.  There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for
      Treasure in all the Wrong Places.  1993 January; 39 p. (Format:
      TXT=71177 bytes) (Also FYI 10)   (Obsoletes RFC 1290)

1401 Internet Architecture Board.  Correspondence between the IAB and DISA on
      the use of DNS throughout the Internet.  1993 January; 8 p. (Format:
      TXT=12529 bytes)

1400  Williamson, S.  Transition and Modernization of the Internet
      Registration Service.  1993 March; 7 p. (Format: TXT=13009 bytes)

1399  Not yet issued.

1398  Kastenholz, F.  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
      Interface Types.  1993 January; 17 p. (Format: TXT=36686 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1284)

1397  Haskin, D.  Default Route Advertisement In BGP2 And BGP3 Versions Of
      The Border Gateway Protocol.  1993 January; 2 p. (Format: TXT=4125

1396  Crocker, S.  The Process for Organization of Internet Standards -
      Working Group (POISED) - Steve Crocker, Chair.  1993 January; 10 p.
      (Format: TXT=22097 bytes)

1395  Reynolds, J.  BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions.  1993 January; 8 p.
      (Format: TXT=16315 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1084, RFC 1048; Obsoleted by
      RFC 1497; Updates RFC 951)

1394  Robinson, P.  Relationship of Telex Answerback Codes to Internet
      Domains.  1993 January; 15 p. (Format: TXT=43777 bytes)

1393  Malkin, G.  Traceroute Using an IP Option.  1993 January; 7 p. (Format:
      TXT=13141 bytes)

1392  Malkin, G.; LaQuey Parker, T.,eds.  Internet Users' Glossary.  1993
      January; 53  p. (Format: TXT=104625 bytes) (Also FYI 18)

1391  Malkin, G.  The Tao of IETF - A Guide for New Attendees of the Internet
      Engineering Task Force.  1993 January; 19 p. (Format: TXT=41893 bytes)
      (Also FYI 17)   (Obsoleted by RFC 1539)

1390  Katz, D.  Transmission of IP and ARP over FDDI Networks.  1993 January;
      11 p. (Format: TXT=22078 bytes)

1389  Malkin, G.  RIP Version 2 MIB Extension.  1993 January; 13 p. (Format:
      TXT=23570 bytes)

1388  Malkin, G.  RIP Version 2 - Carrying Additional Information.  1993
      January; 7 p. (Format: TXT=16228 bytes)  (Updates RFC 1058)

1387  Malkin, G.  RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis.  1993 January; 3 p.
      (Format: TXT=5599 bytes)

1386  Cooper, A.; Postel, J.  The US Domain.  1992 December; 31 p. (Format:
      TXT=62311 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1480)

1385  Wang, Z.  EIP: The Extended Internet Protocol A Framework for
      Maintaining Backward Compatibility.  1992 November; 17 p. (Format:
      TXT=39124 bytes)

1384  Barker, P.; Hardcastle-Kille, S.  Naming Guidelines for Directory
      Pilots.  1993 January; 12 p. (Format: TXT=25871 bytes)

1383  Huitema, C.  An Experiment in DNS Based IP Routing.  1992 December;
      13 p. (Format: TXT=32681 bytes)

1382  Throop, D.,ed.  SNMP MIB Extension for the X.25 Packet Layer.  1992
      November; 69 p. (Format: TXT=153878 bytes)

1381  Throop, D.; Baker, F.  SNMP MIB Extension for X.25 LAPB.  1992
      November; 33 p. (Format: TXT=71254 bytes)

1380  Gross, P.; Almquist, P.  IESG Deliberations on Routing and Addressing.
      1992 November; 22 p. (Format: TXT=49416 bytes)

1379  Braden, R.  Extending TCP for Transactions -- Concepts.  1992 November;
      38 p. (Format: TXT=91354 bytes)

1378  Parker, B.  The PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP).  1992 November;
      16 p. (Format: TXT=28497 bytes)

1377  Katz, D.  The PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP).  1992
      November; 10 p. (Format: TXT=22110 bytes)

1376  Senum, S.  The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP).  1992
      November; 6 p. (Format: TXT=12449 bytes)

1375  Robinson, P.  Suggestion for New Classes of IP Addresses.  1992
      November; 7 p. (Format: TXT=16991 bytes)

1374  Renwick, J.; Nicholson, A.  IP and ARP on HIPPI.  1992 October; 43 p.
      (Format: TXT=100904 bytes)

1373  Tignor, R.  PORTABLE DUAs.  1992 October; 12 p. (Format: TXT=19932

1372  Hedrick, C.; Borman, D.  Telnet Remote Flow Control Option.  1992
      October; 6 p. (Format: TXT=11099 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1080)

1371  Gross, P.,ed.  Choosing a "Common IGP" for the IP Internet (The IESG's
      Recommendation to the IAB).  1992 October; 9 p. (Format: TXT=18169

1370 Internet Architecture Board.  Applicability Statement for OSPF.  1992
      October; 2 p. (Format: TXT=4304 bytes)

1369  Kastenholz, F.  Implementation Notes and Experience for The Internet
      Ethernet MIB.  1992 October; 7 p. (Format: TXT=13969 bytes)

1368  McMaster, D.; McCloghrie, K.  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE
      802.3 Repeater Devices.  1992 October; 40 p. (Format: TXT=83906 bytes)
      (Obsoleted by RFC 1516)

1367  Topolcic, C.  Schedule for IP Address Space Management Guidelines.
      1992 October; 3 p. (Format: TXT=4781 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1467)

1366  Gerich, E.  Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space.  1992
      October; 8 p. (Format: TXT=17794 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1466)

1365  Siyan, K.  An IP Address Extension Proposal.  1992 September; 6 p.
      (Format: TXT=12791 bytes)

1364  Varadhan, K.  BGP OSPF Interaction.  1992 September; 14 p. (Format:
      TXT=32122 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1403)

1363  Partridge, C.  A Proposed Flow Specification.  1992 September; 20 p.
      (Format: TXT=50215 bytes)

1362  Allen, M.  Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media (IPXWAN).  1992 September;
      18 p. (Format: TXT=30220 bytes)

1361  Mills, D.  Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).  1992 August;  p 10.
      (Format: TXT=23813 bytes)

1360  Postel, J.,ed.  IAB OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS.  1992 September; 33 p.
      (Format: TXT=71861 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFCs 1280, 1250, 1100, 1083, 1130,
      1140, 1200; Obsoleted by RFC 1410)

1359 ACM SIGUCCS Networking Taskforce.  Connecting to the Internet: What
      Connecting Institutions Should Anticipate.  1992 August;  p 25. (Format:
      TXT=53450 bytes) (Also FYI 16)

1358  Chapin, L.  Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).  1992
      August;  p 5. (Format: TXT=11329 bytes)

1357  Cohen, D.,ed.  A Format for E-mailing Bibliographic Records.  1992
      July; 13 p. (Format: TXT=25022 bytes)

1356  Malis, A.; Robinson, D.; Ullmann, R.  Multiprotocol Interconnect on
      X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode.  1992 August;  p 14. (Format:
      TXT=32044 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 877)

1355  Curran, J.; Marine, A.  Privacy and Accuracy Issues in Network
      Information Center Databases.  1992 August; 4 p. (Format: TXT=8859
      bytes) (Also FYI 15)

1354  Baker, F.  IP Forwarding Table MIB.  1992 July; 12 p. (Format:
      TXT=24906 bytes)

1353  McCloghrie, K.; Davin, J.; Galvin, J.  Definitions of Managed Objects
      for Administration of SNMP Parties.  1992 July; 26 p. (Format: TXT=59557

1352  Galvin, J.; McCloghrie, K.; Davin, J.  SNMP Security Protocols.  1992
      July; 41 p. (Format: TXT=95733 bytes)

1351  Davin, J.; Galvin, J.; McCloghrie, K.  SNMP Administrative Model.  1992
      July; 35 p. (Format: TXT=80722 bytes)

1350  Sollins, K.  THE TFTP PROTOCOL (REVISION 2).  1992 July; 11 p. (Format:
      TXT=24600 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 783)

1349  Almquist, P.  Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite.  1992
      July; 28 p. (Format: TXT=68949 bytes)  (Updates RFCs 1248, 1247, 1195,
      1123, 1122, 1060, 791)

1348  Manning, B.  DNS NSAP RRs.  1992 July; 4 p. (Format: TXT=6872 bytes)
      (Updates RFCs 1034, 1035)

1347  Callon, R.  TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TUBA), A Simple Proposal
      for Internet Addressing and Routing.  1992 June; 9 p. (Format:
      TXT=26563 PS=42398 bytes)

1346  Jones, P.  Resource Allocation, Control, and Accounting for the Use of
      Network Resources.  1992 June; 6 p. (Format: TXT=13085 bytes)

1345  Simonsen, K.  Character Mnemonics & Character Sets.  1992 June; 103 p.
      (Format: TXT=249738 bytes)

1344  Borenstein, N.  Implications of MIME for Internet Mail Gateways.  1992
      June; 9 p. (Format: TXT=25873 PS=51812 bytes)

1343  Borenstein, N.  A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia
      Mail Format Information.  1992 June; 10 p. (Format: TXT=29296 PS=59978

1342  Moore, K.  Representation of Non-ASCII Text in Internet Message
      Headers.  1992 June; 7 p. (Format: TXT=15846 bytes)  (Obsoleted by 1522)

1341  Borenstein, N.; Freed, N.  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
      Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message
      Bodies.  1992 June; 80 p. (Format: TXT=211117 PS=347082 bytes)
      (Obsoleted by RFC 1521)

1340  Reynolds, J.; Postel, J.  ASSIGNED NUMBERS.  1992 July; 139 p. (Format:
      TXT=232975 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFCs 1060, 1010, 990, 960,943, 923, 900,
      870, 820, 790, 776, 770,762, 758,755, 750, 739, 604, 503, 433, 349 -
      IENs 127,)

1339  Dorner, S.; Resnick, P.  Remote Mail Checking Protocol.  1992 June;
      6 p. (Format: TXT=13116 bytes)

1338  Fuller, V.; Li, T.; Yu, J.; Varadhan, K.  Supernetting: an Address
      Assignment and Aggregation Strategy.  1992 June; 20 p. (Format:
      TXT=47976 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1519)

1337  Braden, R.  TIME-WAIT Assassination Hazards in TCP.  1992 May; 11 p.
      (Format: TXT=22888 bytes)

1336  Malkin, G.  Who's Who in the Internet- Biographies of IAB, IESG and
      IRSG Members.  1992 May; 33 p. (Format: TXT=92120 bytes) (Also FYI 9)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1251, FYI 9)

1335  Wang, Z.; Crowcroft, J.  A Two-Tier Address Structure for the Internet:
      A Solution to the Problem of Address Space Exhaustion.  1992 May; 7 p.
      (Format: TXT=15419 bytes)

1334  Lloyd, B.; Simpson, W.  PPP Authentication Protocols.  1992 October;
      16 p. (Format: TXT=33249 bytes)

1333  Simpson, W.  PPP Link Quality Monitoring.  1992 May; 15 p. (Format:
      TXT=29965 bytes)

1332  McGregor, G.  The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP).  1992
      May; 12 p. (Format: TXT=17613 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1172)

1331  Simpson, W.  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the Transmission of
      Multi-protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links.  1992 May; 66 p.
      (Format: TXT=129892 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1171, RFC 1172)

1330 ESCC X.500/X.400 Task Force.  Recommendations for the Phase I Deployment
      of OSI Directory Services (X.500) and OSI Message Handling Services
      (X.400) within the ESnet Community.  1992 May; 87 p. (Format: TXT=192926

1329  Kuehn, P.  Thoughts on Address Resolution for Dual MAC FDDI Networks.
      1992 May; 28 p. (Format: TXT=58151 bytes)

1328  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  X.400 1988 to 1984 downgrading.  1992 May; 5 p.
      (Format: TXT=10007 bytes)  (Updated by RFC 1496)

1327  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  Mapping between X.400(1988) / ISO 10021 and RFC
      822.  1992 May; 113 p. (Format: TXT=228599 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 987,
      RFC 1026, RFC 1138, RFC 1148; Obsoleted by RFC 1495; Updates RFC 822)

1326  Tsuchiya, P.  Mutual Encapsulation Considered Dangerous.  1992 May;
      5 p. (Format: TXT=11278 bytes)

1325  Malkin, G.; Marine, A.  FYI on Questions and Answers - Answers to
      Commonly asked "New Internet User" Questions.  1992 May; 42 p. (Format:
      TXT=91885 bytes) (Also FYI 4)   (Obsoletes RFC 1206, FYI 4)

1324  Reed, D.  A Discussion on Computer Network Conferencing.  1992 May;
      11 p. (Format: TXT=24989 bytes)

1323  Jacobson, V.; Braden, R.; Borman, D.  TCP Extensions for High
      Performance.  1992 May; 37 p. (Format: TXT=84559 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC
      1072, RFC 1185)

1322  Estrin, D.; Rekhter, Y.; Hotz, S.  A Unified Approach to Inter-Domain
      Routing.  1992 May; 38 p. (Format: TXT=96935 bytes)

1321  Rivest, R.  The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.  1992 April; 21 p.
      (Format: TXT=35223 bytes)

1320  Rivest, R.  The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm.  1992 April; 20 p.
      (Format: TXT=32408 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1186)

1319  Kaliski, B.  The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm.  1992 April; 17 p.
      (Format: TXT=25662 bytes)

1318  Stewart, B.,ed.  Definitions of Managed Objects for
      Parallel-printer-like Hardware Devices.  1992 April; 11 p. (Format:
      TXT=19571 bytes)

1317  Stewart, B.,ed.  Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-like
      Hardware Devices.  1992 April; 17 p. (Format: TXT=30443 bytes)

1316  Stewart, B.,ed.  Definitions of Managed Objects for Character Stream
      Devices.  1992 April; 17 p. (Format: TXT=35144 bytes)

1315  Brown, C.; Baker, F.; Carvalho, C .  Management Information Base for
      Frame Relay DTEs.  1992 April; 19 p. (Format: TXT=33826 bytes)

1314  Katz, A.; Cohen, D.  A File Format for the Exchange of Images in the
      Internet.  1992 April; 23 p. (Format: TXT=54073 bytes)

1313  Partridge, C.  Today's Programming for KRFC AM 1313 Internet Talk
      Radio.  1992 April; 3 p. (Format: TXT=5445 bytes)

1312  Nelson, R.; Arnold, G.  Message Send Protocol 2.  1992 April; 8 p.
      (Format: TXT=18038 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1159)

1311  Postel, J.,ed.  Introduction to the STD Notes.  1992 March; 5 p.
      (Format: TXT=11309 bytes)

1310  Chapin, Lyman,ed.  The Internet Standards Process.  1992 March; 23 p.
      (Format: TXT=54739 bytes)

1309  Weider, C.; Reynolds, J.; Heker, S.  Technical Overview of Directory
      Services Using the X.500 Protocol.  1992 March; 16 p. (Format: TXT=35694
      bytes) (Also FYI 14)

1308  Weider, C.; Reynolds, J.  Executive Introduction to Directory Services
      Using the X.500 Protocol.  1992 March; 4 p. (Format: TXT=9392 bytes)
      (Also FYI 13)

1307  Young, J.; Nicholson, A.  Dynamically Switched Link Control Protocol.
      1992 March; 13 p. (Format: TXT=24145 bytes)

1306  Nicholson, A.; Young, J.  Experiences Supporting By-Request
      Circuit-Switched T3 Networks.  1992 March; 10 p. (Format: TXT=25789

1305  Mills, D.  Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification,
      Implementation and Analysis.  1992 March; 120. (Format:
      TXT=307085,PS=815759 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFC 1119, RFC 1059, RFC 958)

1304  Cox, T.; Tesink, K.,eds.  Definitions of Managed Objects for the SIP
      Interface Type.  1992 February; 25 p. (Format: TXT=52491 bytes)

1303  McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.  A Convention for Describing SNMP-based
      Agents.  1992 February; 12 p. (Format: TXT=22915 bytes)

1302  Sitzler, D.; Smith, P.; Marine, A.  Building a Network Information
      Services Infrastructure.  1992 February; 13 p. (Format: TXT=29136 bytes)
      (Also FYI 12)

1301  Armstrong, S.; Freier, A.; Marzullo, K.  Multicast Transport Protocol.
      February 1992; 38 p. (Format: TXT=91977 bytes)

1300  Greenfield, S.  Remembrances of Things Past.  1992 February; 4 p.
      (Format: TXT=4964 bytes)

1299  Not yet issued.

1298  Wormley, R.; Bostock, S.  SNMP over IPX.  1992 February; 5 p. (Format:
      TXT=7878 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1420)

1297  Johnson, D.  NOC Internal Integrated Trouble Ticket System Functional
      Specification Wishlist ("NOC TT REQUIREMENTS").  1992 January; 12 p.
      (Format: TXT=3294 bytes)

1296  Lottor, M.  Internet Growth (1981-1991).  1992 January; 9 p. (Format:
      TXT=20103 bytes)

1295 The North American Directory Forum.  User Bill of Rights for entries and
      listings in the Public Directory.  1992 January; 2 p. (Format: TXT=3502
      bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1417)

1294  Bradley, T.; Brown, C.; Malis, A.  Multiprotocol Interconnect over
      Frame Relay.  1992 January; 28 p. (Format: TXT=54993 bytes)
      (Obsoleted by RFC 1490)

1293  Brown, C.  Inverse Address Resolution Protocol.  1992 January; 6 p.
      (Format: TXT=11368 bytes)

1292  Lang, R.; Wright, R.,eds.  A Catalog of Available X.500
      Impelmentations.  1992 January; 103 p. (Format: TXT=24314 bytes) (Also
      FYI 11)

1291  Aggarwal, V.  Mid-Level Networks - Potential Technical Services.  1991
      December; 10 p. (Format: TXT=24314 bytes)

1290  Martin, J.  There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for
      Treasure in all the Wrong Places.  1991 December; 27 p. (Format:
      TXT=46997 bytes) (Also FYI 10)   (Obsoleted by RFC 1402)

1289  Saperia, J.  DECnet Phase IV MIB Extensions.  1991 December; 64 p.

1288  Zimmerman, D.  The Finger User Information Protocol.  1991 December;
      12 p.  (Obsoletes RFC 1196, RFC 1194, RFC 742)

1287  Clark, D.; Chapin, L.; Cerf, V.; Braden, R.; Hobby, R.  Towards the
      Future Internet Architecture.  1991 December; 29 p. (Format: TXT=59812

1286  Decker, E.; Langille, P.; Rijsinghani, A.; McCloghrie, K.  Definitions
      of Managed Objects for Bridges.  1991 December; 40 p. (Format: TXT=79104
      bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1493, RFC 1525)

1285  Case, J.  FDDI Management Information Base.  1992 January; 46 p.
      (Format: TXT=99747 bytes)  (Updated by RFC 1512)

1284  Cook, J.,ed.  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
      Interface Types.  1991 December; 21 p. (Format: TXT=43225 bytes)
      (Obsoleted by RFC 1398)

1283  Rose, M.  SNMP over OSI.  1991 December; 8 p. (Format: TXT=16814 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1161; Obsoleted by RFC 1418)

1282  Kantor, B.  BSD Rlogin.  1991 December; 5 p. (Format: TXT=10704 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1258)

1281  Pethia, R.; Crocker, S.; Fraser, B.  Guidelines for the Secure
      Operation of the Internet.  1991 November; 10 p. (Format: TXT=22618

1280  Postel, J.,ed.  IAB OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS.  1992 March; 32 p.
      (Format: TXT=70459 bytes)  (Obsoletes RFCs 1250, 1100, 1083, 1130, 1140,
      1200; Obsoleted by RFC 1360)

1279  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  X.500 and Domains.  1991 November; 15 p. (Format:
      TXT=26669 PS=170029 bytes)

1278  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  A string encoding of Presentation Address.  1991
      November; 7 p. (Format: TXT=10256 PS=128696 bytes)

1277  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  Encoding Network Addresses to support operation
      over non-OSI lower layers.  1991 November; 12 p. (Format:
      TXT=22254 PS=176169 bytes)

1276  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  Replication and Distributed Operations extensions
      to provide an Internet Directory using X.500.  1991 November; 17 p.
      (Format: TXT=33731 PS=217170 bytes)

1275  Hardcastle-Kille, S.  Replication Requirements to provide an Internet
      Directory using X.500.  1991 November; 3 p. (Format: TXT=4616 PS=83736

1274  Barker, P.; Kille, S.  The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema.  1991
      November; 60 p. (Format: TXT=92827 bytes)

1273  Schwartz, M.  A measurement study of changes in service-level
      reachability in the global TCP/IP Internet.  1991 November; 8 p.
      (Format: TXT=19949 bytes)

1272  Mills, C.; Hirsh, D.; Ruth, G.  Internet accounting: background.  1991
      November; 19 p. (Format: TXT=46563 bytes)

1271  Waldbusser, S.  Remote network monitoring management information base.
      1991 November; 81 p. (Format: TXT=184111 bytes)  (Obsoleted by RFC 1513)

1270  Kastenholz, F.,ed.  SNMP communications services.  1991 October; 11 p.
      (Format: TXT=26164 bytes)

Segue alla parte 2